Route maps

Do you need a map showing public transport services in the Greater Oslo  area? Below you can download route maps for Metro, tram, bus, ferry and train services.

Route maps in PDF

You may also search for stops, addresses and points of sale in our interactive map.


Metro services route map (Valid from 03.04.2016)

See departure times in our journey planner or PDF time tables (only available in Norwegian)


Tram services route map (Valid from 04.11.2024)

See departure times in our journey planner or PDF time tables (only available in Norwegian)


Bus services in Oslo

Route map for regular bus services in Oslo (Valid from 15.12.2024)

Route map for night bus services in Oslo (Valid from 01.07.2024)

See departure times in our journey planner or PDF time tables (only available in Norwegian)

Bus services in Akershus

Route map for night bus and ferry services in Akershus (Valid from 01.07.2024)

 See departure times in our journey planner or PDF time tables (only available in Norwegian)



Find journey from A to B

Find journey suggestions from A to B and departure times in our journey planner. Remember that you can search for addresses, areas and some attractions if you don't know the name of the stop you are travelling to or from.

Find journey in the journey planner