New prices for 2024

Our ticket prices changed on Sunday 28 January. See the new prices here.

Single ticket

Zones1 zone2 zones3 zones4 zonesAll zones
Adult 42 NOK 69 NOK 97 NOK 124 NOK 151 NOK
Children and seniors 21 NOK 34 NOK 47 NOK 60 NOK 74 NOK

Buying tickets on board is more expensive

When buying tickets on board buses or ferries, a surcharge of 20 NOK applies for adults (all zones) and 10 NOK for children and seniors (zone 1 only).

24 hour ticket

Zones1 zone2 zonesAll zones
Adult 127 NOK 209 NOK 291 NOK
Children and seniors 64 NOK 105 NOK 146 NOK

7 day ticket

Zones1 zone2 zonesAll zones
Adult 352 NOK 615  NOK 852 NOK
Children and seniors 177 NOK 307 NOK 426 NOK
Youth 177 NOK 307 NOK 426 NOK

30 day ticket

Zones1 zone2 zonesAll zones
Adult 897 NOK 1589 NOK 2285 NOK
Children and youth 314 NOK 419 NOK 524 NOK
Seniors 449 NOK 796 NOK 1142 NOK
Students 537 NOK 954 NOK 1371 NOK

365 day ticket

Zones1 zone2 zonesAll zones
Adults 8966 NOK 15 894 NOK 22 845 NOK
Seniors 4483 NOK 7947 NOK 11 422 NOK

Ticket for additional zones

Zones1 zone2 zones3 zones4 zones
Adult 27 NOK 55 NOK 82 NOK 109 NOK
Children and seniors 13 NOK 27 NOK 40 NOK 55 NOK

Rufus ticket

Zoner1 zone2 zonesAll zones
Price 184 NOK 369 NOK 553 NOK

Tickets purchased prior to the change

If you purchased a ticket before 28 January, you must activate it by 28 April at the latest. After 28 April, we will refund unused tickets up to one year from the date of purchase.