The RuterReise app and privacy

Access and statistics when using the RuterReise app.

You can use RuterReise without disclosing any information about yourself. This applies even if you have entered information on your home and work address, as this information is only stored in the app. We would nevertheless like to bring your attention to access and statistics when using the RuterReise app.


In order for RuterReise to work optimally, the app needs access to certain features on your phone. You may choose to turn off access to these features, but certain features may then not be available or not function optimally. You turn off access in the settings on your phone.

RuterReise requests access to:


Used to find your position, so that you can see nearby stops, see where you are on the map, sort search results based on location, and find transport to or from your location. You can search for stops and addresses even if location services are turned off.

Mobile data

An Internet connection is required to use all of the services in the app. If mobile data is turned off, you must have access to a wireless network (Wi-Fi).


Used to send you push notifications in the event of major disruptions, if you've turned this on.


Used if you add a journey to your calendar.


We want to improve the app, and use Google Analytics for Firebase in RuterReise to collect information on usage. This information is sent anonymously to us, and cannot be linked to you as the user. If you however do not want to share your usage information, you can turn off this feature under "Settings" in the app.