Metro upgrades in 2025: How to travel

Several major upgrades will be made to the Metro network in 2025. During certain periods, buses will replace metro services on several routes, and Majorstuen station will be closed for parts of the year. Here’s how your journey might be affected.

Which Metro routes will be closed, and when?

Here are the important dates to note in 2025. Please be aware that changes may occur, and we will update the schedule continuously.

27 January–13 March: Lines 1–5

No metro service through the city centre after 21:00, Sunday to Thursday.
The metro operates as usual during the daytime and throughout Friday and Saturday.

Line 1 Frognerseteren–Helsfyr

The Metro runs between Frognerseteren and Majorstuen only.

Line 2 Østerås–Ellingsrudåsen

  • The Metro runs between Østerås and Stortinget.
  • Trams 12 and 15 run between Øvre Slottsgate (near Stortinget) and Jernbanetorget.
  • Bus 3B replaces the Metro between Jernbanetorget platform H and Brynseng,.
  • The Metro runs between Brynseng and Ellingsrudåsen.

Line 3 Kolsås–Mortensrud

  • The Metro runs between Kolsås and Stortinget.
  • Trams 12 and 15 run between Øvre Slottsgate (near Stortinget) and Jernbanetorget.
  • Bus 3B replaces the Metro between Jernbanetorget platform H and Brynseng,.
  • The Metro runs between Brynseng and Mortensrud.

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

  • The Metro runs between Vestli and Storo.
  • Use line 5 between Storo and Stortinget via Majorstuen.
  • Trams 12 and 15 run between Øvre Slottsgate (near Stortinget) and Jernbanetorget.
  • Bus 3B replaces the Metro between Jernbanetorget platform H and Brynseng.
  • The Metro runs between Brynseng and Bergkrystallen.

Line 5 Sognsvann–Vestli

  • The Metro runs between Sognsvann and Stortinget.
  • The Metro runs between Carl Berners plass and Stortinget via Storo and Majorstuen.
  • Use tram 17 or bus 31 between the city centre and Carl Berners plass.
  • The Metro runs between Carl Berners plass and Vestli.
Linjekart for T-banen som viser traseen til buss 3B mellom Jernbanetorget og Brynseng.
Bus 3B replaces the Metro between Jernbanetorget and Brynseng.

22 and 23 March: Lines 1 and 4

Line 1 Frognerseteren–Helsfyr (Bergkrystallen)

The Metro runs between Frognerseteren and Helsfyr only.

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

  • The Metro runs between Vestli and Ryen.
  • Bus 4B replaces the Metro between Ryen and Bergkrystallen.
Bus 4B replaces the Metro between Ryen and Bergkrystallen.

27 March: Lines 1–5

These changes are in effect from 18:00. Replacement buses are in operation where possible.

Line 1 Frognerseteren–Helsfyr

  • Bus 1B replaces the Metro between Frognerseteren and Majorstuen. Buses do not stop at Lillevann, Skogen and Voksenlia.
  • Bus 1C replaces the Metro between Lillevann and Midtstuen, stopping at Skogen, Voksenlia, Holmenkollen and Besserud.

Line 2 Østerås–Ellingsrudåsen

  • The Metro runs between Østerås and Makrellbekken.
  • Bus 2B replaces the Metro between Hovseter and Majorstuen.
  • The Metro runs between Stortinget and Ellingsrudåsen.

Line 3 Kolsås–Mortensrud

  • The Metro runs between Kolsås and Montebello.
  • Bus 3B replaces the Metro between Åsjordet and Majorstuen.
  • The Metro runs between Stortinget and Mortensrud.

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

  • The Metro runs between Vestli and Nydalen.
  • Bus 4B replaces the Metro between Nydalen and Majorstuen.
  • The Metro runs between Stortinget and Bergkrystallen.

Line 5 Sognsvann–Ringen–Vestli

  • Bus 5B replaces the Metro between Sognsvann and Majorstuen.
  • The Metro runs between Stortinget and Vestli.
  • The Metro runs between Nydalen and Stortinget via Tøyen.

28 March–3 November: Lines 2 and 3

Bus 2B replaces the Metro between Borgen and Majorstuen.

Line 2 Østerås–Ellingsrudåsen

  • The Metro runs between Østerås and Borgen.
  • Bus 2B replaces the Metro between Borgen and Majorstuen.
  • Please use other Metro lines between Majorstuen and Stortinget.
  • The Metro runs between Stortinget and Ellingsrudåsen.

Line 3 Kolsås–Mortensrud

  • The Metro runs between Kolsås and Borgen.
  • Bus 2B replaces the Metro between Borgen and Majorstuen.
  • Please use other Metro lines between Majorstuen and Stortinget.
  • The Metro runs between Stortinget and Mortensrud.

13–20 April: Lines 1–4

Line 1 Frognerseteren–Helsfyr

Runs between Frognerseteren and Majorstuen only.

Line 2 Østerås–Ellingsrudåsen

  • The Metro runs between Østerås and Borgen.
  • Bus 2B replaces the Metro between Borgen og Majorstuen.
  • Metro lines 4 and 5 run between Majorstuen and Tøyen.
  • Bus 3B replaces the Metro between Tøyen skole and Hellerud.
  • The Metro runs between Hellerud and Ellingsrudåsen.

Line 3 Kolsås–Mortensrud

  • The Metro runs between Kolsås and Borgen.
  • Bus 2B replaces the Metro between Borgen og Majorstuen.
  • Metro lines 4 and 5 run between Majorstuen and Tøyen.
  • Bus 3B replaces the Metro between Tøyen skole and Hellerud.
  • The Metro runs between Hellerud and Mortensrud.

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

  • The Metro runs between Vestli and Tøyen.
  • Bus 4B replaces the Metro between Tøyen skole and Bergkrystallen.

4 May–5 June: Lines 4 and 5

These changes apply Sunday to Thursday evenings after 21:00. The Metro operates as usual during daytime hours, as well as all day Fridays and Saturdays.

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

No Metro service between Sinsen and Stortinget.

Line 5 Sognsvann–Ringen–Vestli

No Metro service between Sinsen and Ullevål stadion.

8–25 June: Line 4

These changes apply Sunday to Thursday evenings after 21:00. The Metro operates as usual during daytime hours, as well as all day Fridays and Saturdays.

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

No Metro service between Vestli and Storo. Line 5 runs as usual.

23 June–4 July: Majorstuen station

Majorstuen station is closed. All trains pass through without stopping.

5 July–10 August: Lines 1–5

Line 1 Frognerseteren–Helsfyr


Line 2 Østerås–Ellingsrudåsen

Closed between Borgen and Stortinget.

Line 3 Kolsås–Mortenrsud

Closed between Borgen and Stortinget.

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

Closed between Storo and Stortinget.

Line 5 Sognsvann–Ringen–Vestli

Closed between Ullevål stadion and Stortinget.

26 and 27 July

More information to come.

11 August–6 September: Majorstuen station

Majorstuen station is closed.

1–25 September: Lines 4 and 5

These changes apply Sunday to Thursday evenings after 21:00. The Metro operates as usual during daytime hours, as well as all day Fridays and Saturdays.

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

Closed between Veitvet and Løren.

Line 5 Sognsvann–Ringen–Vestli

Closed between Veitvet and Tøyen.

7 September: Lines 1–5

Line 1 Frognerseteren–Helsfyr

Closed between Frøen and Stortinget.

Lines 2 Østerås–Ellingsrudåsen

Closed between Borgen and Stortinget.

Line 3 Kolsås–Mortensrud

Closed bteween Borgen and Stortinget.

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

Closed between Ullevål stadion and Stortinget.

Line 5 Sognsvann–Ringen–Vestli

Closed between Ullevål stadion and Stortinget.

8–19 September: Majorstuen station

Majorstuen station is closed. All trains pass through without stopping.

28 September–21 October: Line 5

These changes apply Sunday to Thursday evenings after 21:00. The Metro operates as usual during daytime hours, as well as all day Fridays and Saturdays.

Line 5 Sognsvann–Ringen–Vestli

Closed between Sognsvann and Ullevål stadion.

18 and 19 October: Line 4

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

Closed between Ryen and Bergkrystallen.

21–28 October: Lines 4 and 5

These changes apply Sunday to Thursday evenings after 21:00. The Metro operates as usual during daytime hours, as well as all day Fridays and Saturdays.

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

Closed between Nydalen and Stortinget.

Line 5 Sognsvann–Ringen–Vestli

Closed between Sognsvann/Nydalen and Stortinget.

From 4 November: Stortinget station

Stortinget station is closed. All trains pass through without stopping. Duration is currently unknown.

29 and 30 November: Line 4

Line 4 Vestli–Bergkrystallen

Closed between Ryen and Bergkrystallen.

Why is the Metro being upgraded?

The Metro system is undergoing upgrades to make it more robust, attractive, and fit for the future. This involves three major projects:

  • Upgrading Majorstuen station
  • Connecting the Fornebu line to the existing metro network
  • Installing a new signalling and safety system (CBTC)

The work is being carried out by Sporveien and the Fornebu line project and aims to create a more modern and efficient metro network.

For more details, read Ruter's press release.

What does this mean for you as a traveller?

Some lines will be temporarily closed, and buses will replace Metro services on affected routes. We understand this may cause inconvenience to your daily travel, and we are working hard to provide reliable alternative transport during every phase of the upgrades.
Travellers will receive information about replacement services in good time. Details will be available in the Ruter app and on our website.