Other companies tickets

Are you intending to travel on train services outside Oslo and Akershus, or the Airport Express train, airport shuttle buses, Vy's express buses or the Bygdøy ferry?


  • If you travel with train services in Oslo and Akershus, you may use all Ruter's ordinary tickets valid in the zones you're travelling through.
  • If you travel with train services outside Oslo and Akershus, the train operator's own tickets and prices apply. These tickets are not valid on Ruter's services. If you have a period ticket issued by Vy and need to transfer to Ruter's services in Oslo, you can have this entered on your Vy ticket.

Vy's tickets and prices on vy.no

Østfold kollektivtrafikk and Brakar

  • For bus journeys between Ruter, Brakar and Østfold kollektivtrafikk’s (ØKT) areas, the ticket entitles you to transfer between services, but only in the zone you are travelling to or from. This applies if you travel with Brakar or ØKT's bus lines that start or end in Ruter's zones. If you buy a ticket for Ruter's bus lines that go into Brakar or ØKT's areas, you also have a valid transfer to or from Brakar and ØKT's buses.
  • The ticket only entitles you to transfer in the zone to or from which the ticket has been purchased. If you choose to get off or on and transfer in another zone, you need to buy a new ticket.
  • Free transfer does not apply to journeys by train – neither if you are coming from a train journey or going onward by train.
  • For example, a ticket from Hønefoss to Oslo will be valid for onward travel in zone 1, but not by train. If you are continuing onward to Bryn, you must either travel by bus or Metro to complete the journey, or buy a new ticket if you wish to use the train.

The Airport Express train and airport shuttle buses

  • The Airport Express train and the airport shuttle bus services operate with their own tickets and prices.
  • The Airport Express train and the airport shuttle bus services' tickets are normally not valid on Ruter's services. The exception is Flybussen routes FB1, FB2, FB3 and FB5, with which Ruter has a joint ticketing arrangement,

Visit the relevant websites for tickets and prices:

The Airport Express train (Flytoget)

Flybussen (FB1, FB2, FB3 and FB5)

Flybussen F11 Fredrikstad



Flybussen routes FB1, FB2, FB3 and FB5 have a joint ticketing arrangement with Ruter

  • You can use Ruter's 24-hour ticket as well as 7-, 30-, and 365-day tickets on Flybussen if the ticket is valid for all the zones the bus passes through.
  • Ruter's 24-hour ticket and 7-, 30- and 365-day tickets valid for only part of the journey (zones 1, 2Ø and/or 4N) entitle you to a discount equal to the price of a Ruter single ticket for one zone.
  • Ruter's single ticket valid for the whole or part of the journey (zones 1, 2Ø and/or 4N) entitles you to a discount equal to the price of a Ruter single ticket for one zone.
  • Single tickets (not return tickets) issued by Flybussen entitle you to free transfer to Ruter's services in Zones 1, 2Ø and 4N.

Remember to activate your Ruter ticket before you board Flybussen.

Flybussen's tickets and prices on flybussen.no

Vy express

  • You can use Ruters's tickets on Vy's express route VY15 between Feiring, Gardermoen and Oslo. Remember to activate your Ruter ticket before you get on board the bus.
  • If you carry a Vy express period ticket, you can buy a 7- or 30-day transfer ticket for Zone 1.
  • Otherwise Vy express operates with its own tickets and prices.

Vy's tickets and prices on vybuss.no

The Bygdøy ferries

Ruter's tickets are not valid on the Bygdøy ferries, and the Bygdøy ferries tickets are not valid on Ruter's services.

The Bygdøy ferries tickets on nyc.no

Other counties

Do you require information about tickets and prices in other counties? Chech these websites:




Vestfold kollektivtrafikk

Østfold kollektivtrafikk